
Honda mower wheel bearing greaser

2024-05-08 11:19:02



This is a bearing greaser for Honda lawn mower wheels. The bearings are pressed in and have permanent steel shields making greasing them difficult. This tool forces the grease from the middle of the wheel hub out between the inner and outer bearing races pushing the old grease out. It works for my HRX217 and will work for any mower wheel using a 1/2" axle with 45 mm between the inside and outside bearings.
You will need 2 O-rings and a grease nipple. You can use a press-in or threaded one. Just heat it up so you can heat insert it.

Usage: remove the wheel, stick the tool through the hub and use the stop and pin (or a 4mm diameter bolt/nail) to ensure the bearings are not pressed out of the wheel hub. Attach a grease gun to the nipple and pump in grease until you see the old grease come out between the inner and outer races. Wipe the old grease off, remove tool and re-install the wheel. Honda recommends a Marine grease, but any wheel bearing grease will work.
This allows you to lube the bearings without needing to remove them from the wheel. Do it once a year to keep them spinning smoothly.

Print Settings

  • Printer brand:


  • Printer:

    Bambu P1S

  • Rafts:
    Doesn't Matter
  • Supports:
    Doesn't Matter
  • Resolution:
  • Infill:
  • Filament brand:


  • Filament material:


  • Notes:

    Material is not important. I used 100% fill as it is small and subjected to some pressure. It only uses 11gr of material.


Depending on how smooth your print is you may need to sand the end of the tool smooth so the stop slides on easily.



Honda mower wheel bearing greaser
byBambuBoyis licensed under theCreative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alikelicense.

Honda mower wheel bearing greaser